Y Be Safe
Recognition and Awards Program
Y Be Safe Award 
Reward: Candy Bar
This is to increase near miss reporting and create more awareness about unsafe conditions on campus. Open to anyone who sees a safety violation or hazard. Pictures and/or videos are extremely helpful. Come to the Risk Management and Safety building to receive a candy bar or let us know and we will mail one to you. Submit safety concerns with photos to safety@byu.edu.
Safety Award 
Reward: Cash Prize
To be nominated, send an email to safety@byu.edu. Nominations must be a detailed paragraph from a supervisor, manager, dean, director, or member of the Campus Safety Committee who has personally observed the safety behavior and results. This award will be given out quarterly and is open to all BYU employees, including students and faculty.
Throughout the year, employees can be nominated by co-workers in their own or other departments for a Staff and Administrative Employee Recognition Award sponsored by the President’s Council. The Campus Safety Committee encourages BYU employees to nominate other full-time and part-time BYU employees who have contributed towards and influenced safety in the work place. Describe any extraordinary circumstances that make the employee’s safety accomplishment significant. This can be done by accessing the nomination form at the SAERA online nomination page.