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Crosswalk Safety

Learn crosswalk safety tips to protect yourself from harm and contribute to orderly and efficient traffic.


Ensuring safety at crosswalks is important for accident prevention and community well-being. Following crosswalk safety rules not only protects us from potential harm but also contributes to the overall order and efficiency of traffic. Here are six tips to help keep you safe when at a crosswalk:

  1. EYES UP! Make eye contact with the driver
  2. STAY ALERT when crossing intersections and driveways
  3. NEVER JAYWALK! Use only marked crosswalks
  4. UNPLUG! Pause distractions when crossing the street
  5. WATCH for turning vehicles
  6. BE BRIGHT! Consider wearing bright or reflective clothing at night
  7. OBEY traffic signals
Cross safely. EYES UP! Make eye contact with the driver. STAY ALERT when crossing intersections and driveways. NEVER JAYWALK! Use only marked crosswalks. UNPLUG! Pause distractions when crossing the street. WATCH for turning vehicles. BE BRIGHT! Consider wearing bright or reflective clothing at night.

Watch the following videos for more information

In case of a pedestrian/vehicle accident, please call 911 and BYU Police .

Stay safe and enjoy another year at BYU!